The emblematic professional special butter of Laiterie de Montaigu
Montaigu butter has benefited from the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) “Beurre Charentes-Poitou” since 1979.
Our high-end product is acclaimed by the most demanding professionals. With its excellent plasticity and high melting point, it is the perfect ally for making your pastries.
250g and 500g: 89 days
2 124 days
10 and 25 kg: 95 days
Temperature: <+6°C
(72 packages x 10 kg)
500g blister
800kg pallet - 10 layers of 80 packages
(8 packages x 10kg)
2 kg blister
880 kg pallet
(8 packages x 10 kg)
10 kg loaf
720 kg pallet - 6 layers of 120 kg
10 kg bread removed
480 kg bin
25 kg loaf
1 ton pallet - 5 layers of 200 kg
(8 cubes x 25 kg)
His qualities
- Hazelnut flavor
- Excellent plasticity
- High melting point
Acclaimed by the most demanding professionals for 40 years
best croissant competition
In 2019, the competition for the best croissant with Beurre Charentes-Poitou PDO from Ile-de-France was won by an artisan working with Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO butter.
general agricultural competition of paris
In 2020, the Laiterie de Montaigu obtained the gold medal for its Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO soft butter.
In 2020, the galette des rois, traditionally offered to the President of the Republic, was made with Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO butter.
What is Charentes-Poitou PDO Butter?
Charentes-Poitou Butter is the first French butter to be labeled AOP (Protected Designation of Origin). Located between land and sea, it constitutes the largest PDO territory in France (Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne, Charente-Maritime and Charente).
Its very strict specifications make it a high quality butter with a unique nutty taste and a dry butter technique recognized by bakery and pastry professionals.
The Charentes-Poitou Butter PDO is also :
Passionate breeders, attached to their region, renowned for their quality work and their local know-how.
Cows raised in good conditions and fed a healthy, GMO-free diet.
Farms concerned with preserving the environment.