The emblematic professional special butter of Laiterie de Montaigu


Montaigu PDO Charente Poitou Butter

Montaigu butter has benefited from the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) “Beurre Charentes-Poitou” since 1979.

Our high-end product is acclaimed by the most demanding professionals. With its excellent plasticity and high melting point, it is the perfect ally for making your pastries.

Conservation :
calendar pictogram

250g and 500g: 89 days
‍ 2 124 days
10 and 25 kg: 95 days


Temperature: <+6°C

Packaging and palletizing:
250 g wafer

(72 packages x 10 kg)

500g wafer

500g blister
800kg pallet - 10 layers of 80 packages
(8 packages x 10kg)

2 Kg pad

2 kg blister
‍ 880 kg pallet
(8 packages x 10 kg)

10 kg loaf

10 kg loaf
720 kg pallet - 6 layers of 120 kg

10 kg loaf removed

10 kg bread removed
‍ 480 kg bin
‍ Packaged

25 kg bread

25 kg loaf
1 ton pallet - 5 layers of 200 kg
(8 cubes x 25 kg)

His qualities

a drawing of a rolling pin

- Hazelnut flavor
- Excellent plasticity
- High melting point

Logo PDO Charente PoitouEuropean PDO logo

Acclaimed by the most demanding professionals‍ for 40 years

the yellow drawing of a crescent

best croissant competition

In 2019, the competition for the best croissant with Beurre Charentes-Poitou PDO from Ile-de-France was won by an artisan working with Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO butter.

The logo of the gold medal of the Paris 2009 general agricultural competition

general agricultural competition of paris

In 2020, the Laiterie de Montaigu obtained the gold medal for its Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO soft butter.

the yellow drawing of a crown


In 2020, the galette des rois, traditionally offered to the President of the Republic, was made with Montaigu Charentes-Poitou PDO butter.

What is Charentes-Poitou PDO Butter?

a photo of a cow looking at a person pouring milk into a can

Charentes-Poitou Butter is the first French butter to be labeled AOP (Protected Designation of Origin). Located between land and sea, it constitutes the largest PDO territory in France (Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne, Charente-Maritime and Charente).

‍ Its very strict specifications make it a high quality butter with a unique nutty taste and a dry butter technique recognized by bakery and pastry professionals.

The Charentes-Poitou Butter PDO is also :

a drawing of a man

Passionate breeders, attached to their region, renowned for their quality work and their local know-how.

a drawing of a cow

Cows raised in good conditions and fed a healthy, GMO-free diet.

a drawing of a hand holding a plant

Farms concerned with preserving the environment.